“Listening Here” is by Stephanie Loveless and Cristyn Magnus
Project interns: Rose Yan, Anannay Miah
Graphic design: Mikayla Trombley
This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by The Arts Center of the Capital Region.
Evelyne Lord, Freddy Sylvain, Moose, P.D. Magnus, Rain Worthington, Tracey Fountain, Joe Levy, Shirah P, Rebecca Smith, Barbara Quackenbush, Anannay Miah, Allison Armour-Garb, Ben Miller, Andie Murray, Clarese, Aimee Harrison, Rana Morris, Anna Lindemann, Jessica Shea, Melissa Parade, Kristoph, Jarpon Reyes, Neil Rolnick, Rose Mitchell-Tenerowicz, Julia Cadieux, Clyanna, Katie Nare, Greg T, Porkslap, Allison, Lily Mercogliano Easton, Jessalyn Ballerano, Elisha Mittleman, Collin Thomas, Seth Cluett, Ron McClamrock, Diana B., Julie O'Connor, Steve Staples, Anna Wettergreen, Kenneth Allen, Randi Walker, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, Bebe White, Steve Mitchell, Ellie Kellogg, Violet Kellogg, Stacy Pettigrew, Nadia Bhagat, Maria & Suya, James King, Maria Michails, Diana Wright, Annie, Clare & Tammy, Ruth, Sylvia, Susan Dubois, Erin Sickler
Thanks to Alacrity Frame Workshop & Art Gallery for hosting our beta launch.
Thanks to our office-away-from-home, Hudson River Coffee House, and its employees for supplying tasty beverages in an awesome environment.